


http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/soc/Pluto-Encounter/lorri_about.php によればニューホライズンズに搭載されたLORRIというカメラは1024x1024の解像度で2x2, 4x4のオンチップビニングもできるということだそうだ。実際に撮られた写真を見ると露光時間は短いもので100msとなっている。秒速15kmの速度で流れないよう撮影中は被写体にカメラを向けつづける制御も当然やっているはず。そういえばボイジャー2号のときは記録するテープの駆動によるブレを防ぐためにスラスターを噴射していたという話があったが今回は8GBのメモリにデータを格納するようになっているので半導体バンザイという感じである。LORRIカメラの説明などもそこそこ面白い。

The images posted at this website have been processed by ground-based LORRI calibration software, which removes the CCD bias level, corrects for CCD readout smear (LORRI does not have an aperture shutter, which creates smear as the image is transferred from the optically active region of the CCD to the storage region of the CCD), and corrects for pixel-to-pixel sensitivity variations.


LORRI images typically contain a handful of cosmic ray strikes, which are not removed by the calibration processing. These often appear as single, bright pixels, but sometimes they produce streaks of several bright pixels. They are usually fairly easily distinguished from the images of real astronomical objects (e.g., stars, planets, or satellites).


LORRI images are recorded on the spacecraft as 12-bit integers with light level values from 0 to 4095. The groundbased calibration processing converts the images to 32-bit double-precision numbers. For display on this web page, the calibrated images are then converted to 8-bit JPEG files (i.e., images with 256 intensity levels) using a linear scaling stretch that maps the minimum intensity in the calibrated image to 0 and the maximum intensity to 255. Thus, the web images do not record the actual CCD signal level; nor do they retain the full dynamic range of the original images. As a result, some images that appear blank on this page actually have important data in them, but this cannot be seen in the automatically-converted 8-bit JPEGs posted here.

LORRIからの画像は12bit整数で出力されるが補正は32bit double-precisionで行われる(32bitなのにdoubleなの?)。Webサイトに載せてる画像はJPEGなので256階調しかなく、重要なものが黒つぶれしてるかもしれない。